Yeaaahhh!! One book down! Lol.. Akhirnyaaa.. Setelah berbulan2, akhirnya gw kelar juga baca buku The Five Love Languages.. Well, pas awal gw baca itu buku, heran aka binun juga kenapa gw bisa ended up beli itu buku.. hahaha.. Tadi'nya itu buku isi'nya tentang all kind of relationship, but ternyata tentang marriage! Welehh.. But karena buku uda ditangan, uda baca beberapa lembar, ya dilanjut sajo lahhh.. hehehe..
As I promised here, kali ini gw mao nulis tentang apa yg gw dapet dari buku ntuh.. Hahaha.. Lama juga ya, almost 6 months.. >___< Meski awalnya gw binun sama ini buku, but I really like this book.. n I highly recommend this book to everyone who want to know about love languages in marriage.. All I got from the book is "love is a choice".. Seperti yang sering kita denger, to love people is not a feeling, but it's a commitment (yang juga bisa disebut pilihan).. Nah setelah kita decide to love a certain person, what would we do? How to make them feel loved?
According to Dr. Gary Chapman on his book, a couple can make their spouse feel loved by knowing their love language(s) personally, and then learn how to "speak" it fluently.. Because learning love languages is similar to learning a foreign language.. Wow! I am amazed with this statement, but yes it is soooo truueee >___< However, the love languages itself categorized in five actions: words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service, n physical touch..
WORDS OF AFFIRMATION people feel loved kalo pasangan'nya memuji dy gitu.. Setelah ngelakuin hal kecil sekalipun, kalo dy dipuji, pasti tambah semangat ngelakuinnya.. haha.. Emang ya semua orang suka dipuji sebagai pengakuan kalo apa yang dikerjain itu disukai orang, but for word-of-affirmation persons kata2 pujian kita itu melebihi love languages yang laen deh.. Meski dikasi rewards atas usahanya itu, dy pasti lebih suka dipuji.. I mean lebih nancep gitu loh.. Lebih ngerasa dihargain gitu lah.. hehe.. Buat orang yang punya love language ini, kata "I LOVE U" has a very deeppp meaning.. n kalo ente ga perna ngomong means u don't love him/her.. -__-
Kalo QUALITY TIME persons feel loved dengan spend waktu sama orang ini.. But bukan asal bareng2 aja gitu yup.. hehehe.. Tapi bener2 totally giving him/her UNDIVIDED ATTENTION.. No TV, no texting/BBM/chatting, no any other busy thingy deh.. Jadi bener2 ngabisin waktu berdua to have QUALITY TALK.. So, bukan ngomongin tetangga, urusan orang laen or kerjaan pasti'nya.. lol..
Seperti namanya, RECEIVING GIFTS ini berarti suka terima hadiah.. Tapi BUKAN matre loh! hahaha.. Once again, bukan karena materialistic.. Tapi orang tipe ini suka nerima pemberian apapun.. Mao barang yang mungkin buat kita gaje, but buat mereka itu memorable.. Jadi dy ga ngeliat berapa harganya, but lebih ke perhatian yang ngasih barang :)
Kalo si ACTS OF SERVICE ini ngerasa dikasihi aka disayang kalo kita bantuin dy.. Emang ya, kalo kita sibuk trus dibantuin orang laen, kita ngerasa bersyukur bangettsss n ngerasa diperhatiin.. But for this type of person, bantuan kita itu mengalahkan love languages yang laen deh.. Pokoknya buat orang ini, love is not a word, it is ACTIONS! hehehe..
Nah yang terakhir PHYSICAL TOUCH.. Jadi kalo orang tipe ini bakalan ngerasa disayang kalo DISENTUH.. Ini bukan berarti soal sex ato gimana, but ini lebih ke elus2 rambut, kasi massage, hugging, cuddling, n stuffs deh.. Mirip kayak quality time, but not really lah.. Orang tipe ini ngerasa diperhatiin pasangannya kalo pasangan'nya give him/her a pat meski lagi sibuk ato in the middle of something..
Overall about this book is great.. It is a highly recommended book.. hehe.. Ga mahal, but worth banget.. n yang pasti, buku'nya ga tebel! Lol.. Gw kalo liat buku tebel (selaen Bible pastinya.. hehe), pasti langsung lemes deh.. Kek maleeesss gitu mao bacanya.. -_____- So, jangan ragu2 kalo mao baca buku ini ya.. hehehe.. Katanya seh uda di-translate in many languages, but ga tau apa bahasa Indo ada.. But coba ikut quiz'ny aja di website'nya or klik ini.. :)
History here is not exactly talking about history in my past, but yes it's all about His story in my life.. For me, what He has done in my life is soooo beautiful! Through mountains and valleys *aww.. lol..* He holds my hands tightly :) So that, I would like to share things that have been blessed me to you.. Be strong, because He has never left His children alone! Thanks for stopping by and reading.. Jesus loves you.. :)
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Love Comes Softly
Through valley , I have found a beautiful flower..
Through mountain, I have seen the beauty of sunrise..
Through rainstorm, I have found a rainbow..
Through Him, I have gotten a promise..
A promise that I will keep until He fulfill it..
A promise that I will trust until He reveals it..
A promise that he give a love..
A promise that He will give me the best of you, and give you the best of me..
So, I will wait..
I will wait until He gives me that love..
Because love comes softly..
And sometimes unnoticeable..
Just be patient..
Because love will come softly..
Written on Sept 20, 2011
Sunday, January 1, 2012
"Relationship is not just a feeling, but it's a commitment" itu quotes gw agree sekalee.. hehehe.. Tapi apa iya begitu? Kalo emang itu happen, seharusnya ga ada banyak divorce dunks.. hehehe.. Yang gw liat, relationship dimata dunia sekedar feeling.. N gw juga menganut ini dulu >___< Gw suka sama co kalo dy tinggi.. Gw suka dy kalo dy pinter.. Gw suka dy kalo dy sabar.. Gw suka dy kalo dy begini.. Gw suka dy kalo dy begitu... N masi banyak "kalo2" yang laen.. Egois banget ya gw! -____-
Emang seh gw ada taroh syarat number 1 kalo itu co kudu cinta Tuhan, but I don't really understand what it is.. Buat gw pas itu, pokok Kristen = cinta Tuhan.. DUH! -____- Tapi ternyata ada banyak hal yang gw ga liat.. Karena cinta Tuhan itu bukan pekara simple.. But it's the root of everything! hahaha.. Sounds serious ya? Emang! hehehe..
N masi banyak ayat2 laen yang bilang kalo takut akan Tuhan is the most important thing.. But thanks God that He opened my eyes.. Relationship is not about felling! Sama sekali bukan! *Tak kasi tanda seru biar mantep serius'nya haha.. Banyak dari kira mikir kalo ga seiman gpp asal baek. Salah besar! Coba baca blog "Menikah Dengan yang Gak Seiman?" deh.. Penjelasannya uda lengkap.. hehehe..
Taon demi taon, list gw Tuhan coretin satu2.. Bukannya Tuhan ga suka kalo liat gw seneng, but itu karena Dy Maha Tahu.. Dy tau orang kayak gimana yang bisa sepadan sama gw.. Karena sebenernya, His love is the only love I need.. Bukan yang dari manusia.. Bukan dari orang tua, temen ato siapapun.. His love is enough.. Tapi gw dulu ga bisa liat ini.. Gw berusaha nyari figur yang sayang gw (selaen orang tua n keluarga gw) dengan kriteria2 gw sendiri..
N finally, dalam setaon kemaren He changed me totally.. Tuhan bener2 buka mata gw kalo apa yang gw cari cuman ilusi! Kalo emang gw percaya kalo Tuhan pencipta gw n Dy kenal gw melebihi gw sendiri, it means that I have to release all.. n surrender to Him totally.. Sakit? Pasti.. Ngelepas apa yang kita tahu, apa yang kita percaya bener, itu hal yang susah.. But ONLY by His grace, kita bisa serahin itu semua.. Tuhan ga pernah salah! Cuman itu kuncinya.. So, trust Him 100%! :) Eniwei, nothing wrong with stay single.. Semua itu panggilan.. Jadi live your life now.. Ga usa pusing2 urusan di depan.. Terlalu jaoh.. hehehe..
Btw, dibawah ini ada beberapa blog lagi yang worth to read for all of you who has been struggling for a relationship like me.. :) Sebenernya gw pingin sharing apa yang gw dapet dari Babeh directly, but blog2 ini udah ngebahas in detaillll.. hehehe.. So, eke share disini aja.. :p
Karena as Christian, relationship/marriage tuh ga segampang yg dunia bilang.. hehehe.. Purpose dari semuanya itu cuman buat kemuliaan Tuhan! Nothing else! :) Well, check it out deh.. Moga2 can be a blessing to u.. hehe.. :D Whatever is that, please remember this verse..
To God be the glory!
1. Why get married?
2. Preparing For Married
3. Mencari Ayah untuk Anak2ku
4. Mencari Ibu untuk Anak2ku
Emang seh gw ada taroh syarat number 1 kalo itu co kudu cinta Tuhan, but I don't really understand what it is.. Buat gw pas itu, pokok Kristen = cinta Tuhan.. DUH! -____- Tapi ternyata ada banyak hal yang gw ga liat.. Karena cinta Tuhan itu bukan pekara simple.. But it's the root of everything! hahaha.. Sounds serious ya? Emang! hehehe..
"Takut akan TUHAN adalah permulaan pengetahuan,
tetapi orang bodoh menghina hikmat dan didikan."
tetapi orang bodoh menghina hikmat dan didikan."
-Amsal 1:7
"Permulaan hikmat adalah takut akan TUHAN,
dan mengenal Yang Mahakudus adalah pengertian."
dan mengenal Yang Mahakudus adalah pengertian."
-Amsal 9:10
"Takut akan TUHAN adalah sumber kehidupan sehingga orang terhindar dari jerat maut."
-Amsal 14:27
"Permulaan hikmat adalah takut akan TUHAN,
semua orang yang melakukannya berakal budi yang baik.
Puji-pujian kepada-Nya tetap untuk selamanya."
-Mazmur 111:10
"Permulaan hikmat adalah takut akan TUHAN,
semua orang yang melakukannya berakal budi yang baik.
Puji-pujian kepada-Nya tetap untuk selamanya."
-Mazmur 111:10
Taon demi taon, list gw Tuhan coretin satu2.. Bukannya Tuhan ga suka kalo liat gw seneng, but itu karena Dy Maha Tahu.. Dy tau orang kayak gimana yang bisa sepadan sama gw.. Karena sebenernya, His love is the only love I need.. Bukan yang dari manusia.. Bukan dari orang tua, temen ato siapapun.. His love is enough.. Tapi gw dulu ga bisa liat ini.. Gw berusaha nyari figur yang sayang gw (selaen orang tua n keluarga gw) dengan kriteria2 gw sendiri..
N finally, dalam setaon kemaren He changed me totally.. Tuhan bener2 buka mata gw kalo apa yang gw cari cuman ilusi! Kalo emang gw percaya kalo Tuhan pencipta gw n Dy kenal gw melebihi gw sendiri, it means that I have to release all.. n surrender to Him totally.. Sakit? Pasti.. Ngelepas apa yang kita tahu, apa yang kita percaya bener, itu hal yang susah.. But ONLY by His grace, kita bisa serahin itu semua.. Tuhan ga pernah salah! Cuman itu kuncinya.. So, trust Him 100%! :) Eniwei, nothing wrong with stay single.. Semua itu panggilan.. Jadi live your life now.. Ga usa pusing2 urusan di depan.. Terlalu jaoh.. hehehe..
"Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya,
maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu."
- Matius 6:33
Btw, dibawah ini ada beberapa blog lagi yang worth to read for all of you who has been struggling for a relationship like me.. :) Sebenernya gw pingin sharing apa yang gw dapet dari Babeh directly, but blog2 ini udah ngebahas in detaillll.. hehehe.. So, eke share disini aja.. :p
Karena as Christian, relationship/marriage tuh ga segampang yg dunia bilang.. hehehe.. Purpose dari semuanya itu cuman buat kemuliaan Tuhan! Nothing else! :) Well, check it out deh.. Moga2 can be a blessing to u.. hehe.. :D Whatever is that, please remember this verse..
"Kemolekan adalah bohong dan kecantikan adalah sia-sia,
tetapi isteri yang takut akan Tuhan dipuji-puji."
-Amsal 31:30
To God be the glory!
1. Why get married?
2. Preparing For Married
3. Mencari Ayah untuk Anak2ku
4. Mencari Ibu untuk Anak2ku
New Year.. New Beginning.. New Challenge!
New Year.. New Beginning.. New Challenge! Wow.. I have never been so excited starting a new year.. lol.. For some reasons, I am very exciting to wait 2012.. One of the reasons is His promise.. He has been promised me many things, and I am so excited to wait! I know it will be hard, but I believe that His promises are always worth to be waited.. :p
He promised that He will never leave me. Never. Not even for a second. He promised that He will be my Comforter. Aahh... The King of kings is my refuge, my hiding place, my comforter.. He is my all in all!! No one can replace Him! No one. He's also challenged me to do something in 2012, but I believe that His promise is still valid! lol.. He convinced me not to be afraid of anything because He's in control.. Yayy!
Until today, I can't imagine myself without Him. What if He didn't find me? I don't know where I ended up, I don't know what I am doing now, I don't know and I am afraid to imagine it.. >___< But yes, He is the good Father.. the good Shepherd who will never ever leave His children alone.. Through mountains and valleys, He promises that He will be with us..
Thank You Lord that You still love me..
Thank You for Your mercy and grace during 2011..
Thank You for every chance to get closer to You..
Thank You.. thank you.. and thank You, my Lord..
I know that I will never ever be able to repay You..
Because I have nothing, but You..
Not even this life because it's Yours..
Please help me to use this life wisely according the way You made me to be..
Thank You for Your promises in 2012, Lord..
Please help me to be still and patiently waiting Your promises fulfilled..
Please help me to love You more, my Lord..
Help me to have desire to seek You more..
To get closer to You more and more..
Into Your mighty hands I give all things back to You, amen!
He promised that He will never leave me. Never. Not even for a second. He promised that He will be my Comforter. Aahh... The King of kings is my refuge, my hiding place, my comforter.. He is my all in all!! No one can replace Him! No one. He's also challenged me to do something in 2012, but I believe that His promise is still valid! lol.. He convinced me not to be afraid of anything because He's in control.. Yayy!
“I, I am the one who consoles you.
Why are you afraid of mortal men,
of mere human beings who are as short-lived as grass?..."
-Isaiah 51:12-13
Until today, I can't imagine myself without Him. What if He didn't find me? I don't know where I ended up, I don't know what I am doing now, I don't know and I am afraid to imagine it.. >___< But yes, He is the good Father.. the good Shepherd who will never ever leave His children alone.. Through mountains and valleys, He promises that He will be with us..
Thank You Lord that You still love me..
Thank You for Your mercy and grace during 2011..
Thank You for every chance to get closer to You..
Thank You.. thank you.. and thank You, my Lord..
I know that I will never ever be able to repay You..
Because I have nothing, but You..
Not even this life because it's Yours..
Please help me to use this life wisely according the way You made me to be..
Thank You for Your promises in 2012, Lord..
Please help me to be still and patiently waiting Your promises fulfilled..
Please help me to love You more, my Lord..
Help me to have desire to seek You more..
To get closer to You more and more..
Into Your mighty hands I give all things back to You, amen!
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