Here's the website
History here is not exactly talking about history in my past, but yes it's all about His story in my life.. For me, what He has done in my life is soooo beautiful! Through mountains and valleys *aww.. lol..* He holds my hands tightly :) So that, I would like to share things that have been blessed me to you.. Be strong, because He has never left His children alone! Thanks for stopping by and reading.. Jesus loves you.. :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Baby Sign Language
Hey moms! I found this very interesting.. Hope this helps u to communicate with ur little ones.. :D
Here's the website
Here's the website
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Antara Pohon dan Hujan
Pohon dan hujan..
Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu,
Mereka semakin sadar bahwa mereka memang berbeda..
Pohon berasal dari bawah sini..
Dan hujan dilahirkan di atas sana..
Mungkin keduanya memang saling mencintai..
Namun cinta bukanlah segalanya..
Pohon tak mungkin menjadi hujan..
Dan hujan pun mustahil 'tuk menjadi pohon..
Mungkin mereka memang tak ditakdirkan bersama..
Mungkin perbedaan mereka memang tak dapat disatukan.
Mungkinkah pohon pergi ke atas sana untuk tinggal dengan hujannya?
Atau mungkinkah hujan turun ke bawah sini untuk tinggal dengan pohonnya?
Hanya Tuhan yang tau..
Dan memang hanya Dia yang mengerti..
Friday, July 22, 2011
Peleburan Api
Eh.. Eh.. Punya blog lagi jadi ga bs berenti nulis -____- Ada aja inget ini-itu.. hahaha.. Semalem gw diingetin lecture'nya Daddy pas gw lg down2nya.. hehehe.. Well, emang yah Tuhan bs ngomong melalui apapun dan siapapun, bukan cuman mutlak harus Tuhan langsung yg ngomong.. Nah pas itu gw kan ambil kelas craft, n Tuhan ngajar gw dari salah satu project yg gw bikin di kelas.. haha..
Oh, first of all, gw mao kasi gambaran dl tentang kelas craft gw ini.. Di kelas ini gw ada bikin fibonacci window, overlay silver pin, stone glass accessory, n wooden utensil.. Awal masuk kelas ini, gw ga perna kebayang kalo ni kelas dah kyk kelas pertukangan aje.. hahahaha.. Nah ya alat2 yg kita pake noh serem2 *kalo menurut gw loh.. hehe..*
Nah kyk yg gw bilang td, Tuhan ada kasi gw lecture di project gw yg overlay silver pin ntuh.. Kalo di Surabaya kita2 sebutnya brouche a.k.a. bros.. hehe.. Gw ga ada pict'nya seh, tp kira2 kyk gini lah..
Itu plate yg ada di atas kiri ntuh silver'nya.. Jadi setelah kita bikin design'nya di kertas, kita trace ntu design ke plate ntuh.. Setelah ntu br deh dipotong2.. Ntar jadi'nya kira2 begini..
Nah setelah kalo punya gw ini ada 2 plates, jadi kudu "ditempel" pake silver solder.. Solder'nya ini loh macem kyk yg punya"nya tukang las2an! Gw serem bangetss pake'nya.. x__x Tapi lama2 jd kebiasa deh :p *maap pict'nya kekecilan nih.. can't found bigger.. Juga, solder gw jao lebi gede dari yg ini.. >___<
Setelah "ditempel" jadi begini.. *ini yg gw bikin.. hehehe..*
Trus Dy dibakar lagi berkali2 (pake solder yg tadi) supaya silver'nya murni n jd blink2 gt :p Naaahhhh, pas "nempel" pin dibelakangnya itu yang susah! Gw uda bakar berkali2, n mnurut gw itu api uda cukup panas *org gw aja sampe keringetan.. hahaha..* Tappiiiii, pin'nya kaga nempel2 ma brouche gw.. Pas ntuh gw uda pingin give up aja deh.. Karena kalo dibakarnya kelamaan, silver'nya bisa melting alias leleh! Wadoohhh.. Gw dah mao nangis pas itu hahaha.. Gw sampe doa2 begini "Tuhan tolong dunkss kasih gw ability to do this.. Gw tau gw bego ga bisa bikin beginian, tapi toloonngg laahhh kasi gw kepinteran dikiittt aja buat kelarin ini.." haha.. Sounds desperate bgt ye.. Emang desperate seh! haha.. >___<
Trus ga lama ada temen gw (yg biasanya jutek, n ga peduli urusan org.. lo mo kelar ato ga, itu urusan lo deh.. padahal dy pro bgt di kelas ini.. hehehe..) tiba2 nanya, "eh gimana project lo? uda kelar kaga?" Waahh, gw langsung tunjukkin punya gw yg amburadul ntuh.. hahaha.. Trus dy bantuin gw soldering.. Dalem ati ya gw cuman thx God aja, akhirnyaaa ada yg bantuin.. hehehe..
However, meskipun tangan org pro uda ikut campur, ntu pin masi kaga nempel juga di bros gw! Sebel ga seh!! Jujur pas ntu gw uda pingin buang aja pin gw ke sampah.. hahaha.. Bayangin aja, gw uda bakar 7x, n failed smuaaaa.. Hikzzz.. Temen gw yg pro juga mulai nyerah.. Tidaaakkk.. :'(((
Tapii, saat2 gw uda mao nyerah n mao matiin api'nya, gw denger Tuhan bilang "Silver ini seperti kamu.. Aku juga sedang membakar kamu.. Tunggu sebentar lagi.." Wakz.. Gw kaget pas ntu, tangan gw uda gemetar pegang soldernya haha.. Gw ga pernah mikir kalo gw seperti silver itu! Ternyata gw juga lagi dibakar di dapur perapian Tuhan >___<
Pas denger itu, gw nurut aja.. Gw bakar terus, meski gw takut bros gw bakalan melting.. Beberapa detik kemudian, pin gw nempel sama bros'nya!!!! Kyaaaaa.. Saking seneng'nya, gw n temen gw ntuh sampe treak2 di kelas! \(^_^)/ Finally!! huahahahah..
Liat kan beda'nya antara silver yang belum jadi n yg udah jadi? Setelah dy dibakar berkali2, digosok sana-sini, disikat pake sikat besi, dll.. Dy jadi blink2 n siap pake.. Bros ntu sekarang jadi bros kesayangan gw deh.. Bukan cuma karena susah bikin'nya, tapi jg karena pelajaran yang gw dapet dr project itu.. hehehe.. Kalo gw aja ngerasa sayang bgt ma bros gw ini, apalagi Tuhan yg udah susah-payah ngebentuk kita untuk jadi serupa gambaranNya? :p
Reflect dari itu semua, kita semua mungkin lagi ngadepin hal2 yang ga enak.. Hal2 yang nyakitin.. Hal2 yg selalu bikin kita bertanya2 knapa.. Cuma 1 yg gw tau, kita lagi ada di dalem perapian Tuhan.. Kalo saatNya tiba, kita pasti diangkat keluar, n kita bakalan jadi emas yang murni..
Maka itu, jangan pernah nyerah yup! We're still in His process n pada waktuNya, Dy akan angkat kita.. :) Kita dibakar karena Tuhan masih sayang sama kita, n Dy mao supaya kita jadi sesuai seperti rencanaNya.. hehe.. Dun worry guys! Tuhan ga akan bikin kita melting koq! Dy uda pro.. Ga kayak gw yg masih amateur begini.. heheheh.. Be strong n patience saat kita ada di dalem peleburan ya! Semua indah pada waktuNya.. Waktu Tuhan, bukan waktu kita.. hehe.. Jesus loves u! *hugggzz*
Oh, first of all, gw mao kasi gambaran dl tentang kelas craft gw ini.. Di kelas ini gw ada bikin fibonacci window, overlay silver pin, stone glass accessory, n wooden utensil.. Awal masuk kelas ini, gw ga perna kebayang kalo ni kelas dah kyk kelas pertukangan aje.. hahahaha.. Nah ya alat2 yg kita pake noh serem2 *kalo menurut gw loh.. hehe..*
Nah kyk yg gw bilang td, Tuhan ada kasi gw lecture di project gw yg overlay silver pin ntuh.. Kalo di Surabaya kita2 sebutnya brouche a.k.a. bros.. hehe.. Gw ga ada pict'nya seh, tp kira2 kyk gini lah..
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Itu plate yg ada di atas kiri ntuh silver'nya.. Jadi setelah kita bikin design'nya di kertas, kita trace ntu design ke plate ntuh.. Setelah ntu br deh dipotong2.. Ntar jadi'nya kira2 begini..
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Nah setelah kalo punya gw ini ada 2 plates, jadi kudu "ditempel" pake silver solder.. Solder'nya ini loh macem kyk yg punya"nya tukang las2an! Gw serem bangetss pake'nya.. x__x Tapi lama2 jd kebiasa deh :p *maap pict'nya kekecilan nih.. can't found bigger.. Juga, solder gw jao lebi gede dari yg ini.. >___<
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Setelah "ditempel" jadi begini.. *ini yg gw bikin.. hehehe..*
Trus Dy dibakar lagi berkali2 (pake solder yg tadi) supaya silver'nya murni n jd blink2 gt :p Naaahhhh, pas "nempel" pin dibelakangnya itu yang susah! Gw uda bakar berkali2, n mnurut gw itu api uda cukup panas *org gw aja sampe keringetan.. hahaha..* Tappiiiii, pin'nya kaga nempel2 ma brouche gw.. Pas ntuh gw uda pingin give up aja deh.. Karena kalo dibakarnya kelamaan, silver'nya bisa melting alias leleh! Wadoohhh.. Gw dah mao nangis pas itu hahaha.. Gw sampe doa2 begini "Tuhan tolong dunkss kasih gw ability to do this.. Gw tau gw bego ga bisa bikin beginian, tapi toloonngg laahhh kasi gw kepinteran dikiittt aja buat kelarin ini.." haha.. Sounds desperate bgt ye.. Emang desperate seh! haha.. >___<
Trus ga lama ada temen gw (yg biasanya jutek, n ga peduli urusan org.. lo mo kelar ato ga, itu urusan lo deh.. padahal dy pro bgt di kelas ini.. hehehe..) tiba2 nanya, "eh gimana project lo? uda kelar kaga?" Waahh, gw langsung tunjukkin punya gw yg amburadul ntuh.. hahaha.. Trus dy bantuin gw soldering.. Dalem ati ya gw cuman thx God aja, akhirnyaaa ada yg bantuin.. hehehe..
However, meskipun tangan org pro uda ikut campur, ntu pin masi kaga nempel juga di bros gw! Sebel ga seh!! Jujur pas ntu gw uda pingin buang aja pin gw ke sampah.. hahaha.. Bayangin aja, gw uda bakar 7x, n failed smuaaaa.. Hikzzz.. Temen gw yg pro juga mulai nyerah.. Tidaaakkk.. :'(((
Tapii, saat2 gw uda mao nyerah n mao matiin api'nya, gw denger Tuhan bilang "Silver ini seperti kamu.. Aku juga sedang membakar kamu.. Tunggu sebentar lagi.." Wakz.. Gw kaget pas ntu, tangan gw uda gemetar pegang soldernya haha.. Gw ga pernah mikir kalo gw seperti silver itu! Ternyata gw juga lagi dibakar di dapur perapian Tuhan >___<
Pas denger itu, gw nurut aja.. Gw bakar terus, meski gw takut bros gw bakalan melting.. Beberapa detik kemudian, pin gw nempel sama bros'nya!!!! Kyaaaaa.. Saking seneng'nya, gw n temen gw ntuh sampe treak2 di kelas! \(^_^)/ Finally!! huahahahah..
Liat kan beda'nya antara silver yang belum jadi n yg udah jadi? Setelah dy dibakar berkali2, digosok sana-sini, disikat pake sikat besi, dll.. Dy jadi blink2 n siap pake.. Bros ntu sekarang jadi bros kesayangan gw deh.. Bukan cuma karena susah bikin'nya, tapi jg karena pelajaran yang gw dapet dr project itu.. hehehe.. Kalo gw aja ngerasa sayang bgt ma bros gw ini, apalagi Tuhan yg udah susah-payah ngebentuk kita untuk jadi serupa gambaranNya? :p
Reflect dari itu semua, kita semua mungkin lagi ngadepin hal2 yang ga enak.. Hal2 yang nyakitin.. Hal2 yg selalu bikin kita bertanya2 knapa.. Cuma 1 yg gw tau, kita lagi ada di dalem perapian Tuhan.. Kalo saatNya tiba, kita pasti diangkat keluar, n kita bakalan jadi emas yang murni..
"Aku akan menaruh yang sepertiga itu dalam api,
dan akan memurnikan mereka seperti orang memurnikan perak.
Aku akan menguji mereka, seperti orang menguji emas.
Mereka akan memanggil nama-Ku, dan Aku akan menjawab mereka.
Aku akan berkata: Mereka adalah umat-Ku,
dan mereka akan menjawab: TUHAN adalah Allahku!"
- Zakharia 13:9
Kau tenun aku sejak dalam rahim ibuku..
Kau ciptakan aku serupa dengan gambaranMu..
Kau membentuk aku dengan kasihMu..
RencanaMu sempurna dalam hidupku..
Sekarang ku hanya ingin mengikutMu..
Mengikut Ia yang menciptakan aku..
MengikutNya dengan segenap hati dan jiwaku..
MengikutNya hingga memanggilku pulang..
Dan ku ingin menjadi teguh seperti pohon..
Pohon kehidupan yang ditanam di tepi aliran air..
Yang berbuah pada setiap musim..
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Let God Do It
I love this poem :)
"Let God Do It"
by unknown
Life started out on a canvas,
With Christ making a painting of me;
But I took the paint brush from Jesus,
And painted what I wished to see.
The colors I painted kept running,
And the objects grew all out of size
Till the mess I made on the canvas
Seemed now so completely unwise.
Then I brought back the canvas to Jesus
With the colors and figures so wrong,
In the market it simply was worthless,
Yet His blood made my painting belong.
He stood there with no condemnation,
Never mentioned the mess I had made;
He just started the painting all over,
For the price had already been paid.
As He dipped His brush in the rainbow,
The colors grew brighter in hue;
And in the Glory of Heaven's Salvation
Brought the forms in perspective anew.
Since I took the brush back to Jesus,
And let Him do the picture for me;
I've found that the painting by Jesus,
Is the one that I first hoped to see.
With Christ making a painting of me;
But I took the paint brush from Jesus,
And painted what I wished to see.
The colors I painted kept running,
And the objects grew all out of size
Till the mess I made on the canvas
Seemed now so completely unwise.
Then I brought back the canvas to Jesus
With the colors and figures so wrong,
In the market it simply was worthless,
Yet His blood made my painting belong.
He stood there with no condemnation,
Never mentioned the mess I had made;
He just started the painting all over,
For the price had already been paid.
As He dipped His brush in the rainbow,
The colors grew brighter in hue;
And in the Glory of Heaven's Salvation
Brought the forms in perspective anew.
Since I took the brush back to Jesus,
And let Him do the picture for me;
I've found that the painting by Jesus,
Is the one that I first hoped to see.
He Understands
When I'm down, this song always reminds me how He understand my pain and never let me walk alone.. :)
"I Understand "
by Smokie Norful
Verse 1:
Sometimes I feel like giving up,
it seems like my best just ain’t good enough.
Lord, if You hear me, I’m calling You,
do You see, do You care
all about what I’m going through;
and then He said...
Chorus 1:
One more day, one more step,
I’m preparing you for myself.
And when you can’t hear my voice,
please trust my plan,
(I’m the Lord, I see and yes, I understand).
Verse 2:
Sometimes I feel like I’m all alone,
I’m just like a stranger so far from home.
I feel like I’ve done all that I can do,
please Lord, give me strength,
I’m just trying to make it through;
that’s when He told me...
Chorus 2:
One more day, one more step,
preparing you for myself.
(And when you) can’t hear my voice,
ooh (please trust my plan),
I’m the Lord, I see, and yes, I understand.
He knows how much we can bear,
(and in the time of trouble)
(he promised he would always be there).
I understand, I understand,
(I am the Lord, I see you, and yes, I understand).
Verse 3:
I am the Lord, I changeth not,
I won’t forget nor have I forgot.
You see everything works according to my plan,
I am God, trust me,
I got the whole world in my hand.
Chorus 3:
Yes, one more day, one more step,
preparing you for myself.
(And when you) can’t hear my voice,
ooh (please trust my plan),
I’m the Lord, I see, and yes, I understand.
I’m the Lord, I see,
and yes, I understand.
Yes, I’m the Lord, I see,
and yes, I understand.
Sometimes I feel like giving up,
it seems like my best just ain’t good enough.
Lord, if You hear me, I’m calling You,
do You see, do You care
all about what I’m going through;
and then He said...
Chorus 1:
One more day, one more step,
I’m preparing you for myself.
And when you can’t hear my voice,
please trust my plan,
(I’m the Lord, I see and yes, I understand).
Verse 2:
Sometimes I feel like I’m all alone,
I’m just like a stranger so far from home.
I feel like I’ve done all that I can do,
please Lord, give me strength,
I’m just trying to make it through;
that’s when He told me...
Chorus 2:
One more day, one more step,
preparing you for myself.
(And when you) can’t hear my voice,
ooh (please trust my plan),
I’m the Lord, I see, and yes, I understand.
He knows how much we can bear,
(and in the time of trouble)
(he promised he would always be there).
I understand, I understand,
(I am the Lord, I see you, and yes, I understand).
Verse 3:
I am the Lord, I changeth not,
I won’t forget nor have I forgot.
You see everything works according to my plan,
I am God, trust me,
I got the whole world in my hand.
Chorus 3:
Yes, one more day, one more step,
preparing you for myself.
(And when you) can’t hear my voice,
ooh (please trust my plan),
I’m the Lord, I see, and yes, I understand.
I’m the Lord, I see,
and yes, I understand.
Yes, I’m the Lord, I see,
and yes, I understand.
Mujizat Itu Nyata
Tiba2 gw jg kepingin share tentang kemenangan yg Tuhan kasi ke gw bbrp saat lalu ni.. hehehe.. Banyak orang ngarepin only good thing happens in life, especially waktu kita bday.. Gw juga sama dunkss yaa.. Gw juga pingin hal2 yang baek aja yg terjadi, tapi Tuhan malah kasi ujian yg (buat gw) lumayan mak nyosss alias lumayan berat.. hahaha..
2 minggu menjelang bday, graduation petition yang uda gw applied sejak awal taon ini tiba2 ditolak tanpa alesan jelas.. Trus beberapa hari kemudian nyusul surat rejection dari university admission.. Alesannya GPA gw kurang dari standard out-of-local transfer applicant, n mreka skr lebi priority ke local transfer applicant.. Huaaaaa.. What happen, Lord?????? Koq smua bisa terjadi barengan gini.. Bday present'nya ga enak amit.. Padahal uda seneng2 mao grad n pindah univ.. tappiiii.. T__T
Mao ktemu counselor buat urusin graduation jg susahnya amit2.. Mana lg itu pas mulai kerja part-time jg.. Padahal ntu kerja cuman buat sebulan, tapi malah pas mulai kerja pas dapet surat2 itu.. Jadi esmosi jiwa saiaa.. grrr!!! >___<
Uda waktu yg gw punya dikit banget, dtambah line buat bikin appointment ma counselor uda kyk antrian sembako.. Bujubunenggg.. @__@ Akhirnya kpikir buat bikin appointment pagi2, yang mnurut logic gw org2 pada males bgn pagi2.. Eeehh, ternyata yang males cm gw doank kali ye.. Antrian'nya juga panjang kalo pagi2! Ya elah.. Gw jd ga napsu mao ktemu ma counselor.. -_____-
Stelah 3x mondar-mandir gaje ke kampuz buat bikin appointment ma counselor, akhirnyaaa...... gw patah semangat jg mann! Cape bangetzz.. Boro2 mao ktemu counselor, mo bikin appointment'nya aja sumprit ribet.. Halah! Pas itu gw cuman doa, Tuhan kalo emg Tuhan ijinin gw graduation this year, please gimme patience n strength to overcome this.. Pas gw doa gt, Tuhan cuman jawab "dun worry.. kamu pasti grad this year.." Heh? Gw binun dah.. Mao bikin appointment aja ribet, gmn mao ttp grad.. Tapi dsini Tuhan ajarin gw buat beriman n percaya penuh ma Dy..
Akhirnya gw pegi lagi ke kampuz pagi2.. Antri panjang lagi, but this time gw percaya kalo gw pasti bisa ktemu counselor.. Eitss, beneran aja.. Gw bs ktemu ma counselor dg sukses'nya, bahkan tanpa antri! Huahahaha.. Kan pas pagi2 dateng gw ngantri gt, eehh tau2 ada counselor satu yg mondar-mandir sambil ngingetin kita buat nyiapin ID kampus kita supaya ntar kalo bikin appointment bisa cpet gt.. Nah ya koq dy tiba2 jg nanya "sapa yg kemari krn dpt surat dr kampus?" Eaaa.. Gw awalnya uda ga perhatian ma omongan dy, tp dy ulangin lg gt bbrp kali.. hahaha.. Akhirnya gw bilang kalo gw dapet surat dr kampuz soal graduation gw yg bermasalah.. Weee, ga disangka2, dy langsung blg, "ok, follow me.. we'll work this out together!" Woohoo!! Mantap jayaa!! Langsung deh gw out of the line.. \(^_^)/
Stelah dianalisa ma dy, telpon sana-sini n cari tau what's wrong with my grad thingy, kita figured out kalo ternyata counselor gw yg dulu salah isi form buat grad gw!!! Aaaaaaaaaa.. Swt!!! -____- Akhirnya hari itu juga gw dapet notification kalo gw bisa grad this year.. Hallelujah! :D
Yay, one enemy is downn!! Trus pas itu jg masi ribet ma urusan univ.. Gw doa2, yg gw dpt 'cuman' "wait n see my works done".. Wakzz.. Kl buat gw, itu command yg paling susah diturutin.. just wait n seeeeee.. -____- Trus pas sharing ma temen, dy ada suggest supaya gw telpon ke univ'nya n minta appeal.. Emg ga gampang dikasi appeal, tapi telponin aja tiap hari sampe mreka kasi.. hahaha.. >__<
Somehow, gw kpikir buat minta supporting letter dari professors d kls2 gw.. N thank God mreka mao bantu, bahkan ada 1 prof gw yg bela2in nanya sana-sini, ngomongin case gw ke dean'nya counselor dll buat bantuin gw.. Hikz.. Terharu saiaa.. >___<
Dy akhirnya suggest supaya graduation gw di-postponed taon depan aja supaya gw bisa (at least) naekin GPA buat transfer next year.. Aaaaaaaaa.. Omongan dy bikin gw down jugaaaakkkkk!!! >___<
Pulang2 gw uda snewen tingkat dewa, n bner2 ga tau mao ngapain lg.. Kyk'nya ribet banget gt seh.. Hufftt.. Tapi, justru kyk yg di Firman:
“Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan yang tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia: semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia.” 1 Korintus 2:9
Ahahayy.. Pas diingetin ayat itu, gw cm bs minta kekuatan sama Tuhan.. Gw cm pegang faith gw.. Kl Tuhan blg "just wait n see My works", gw cm bs wait n keep my faith.. Tp gimanapun juga, adalah prasaan pingin cepet2 overcome masalah yg ini.. hehehe..
Well, saat kita bener2 percaya pada mujizat Tuhan.. Saat kit bener2 surrender to Him.. Saat kita bener2 teguh in faith.. Disitu mujizatNya nyata! Cm 4 hari setelah gw ngumpulin appeal form application, gw uda dapet kabar.. Padahal mereka bilang, gw bakalan dapet notification email n letter for AT LEAST 4 weeks.. WOW bgt dah gw sama kerjaan Daddy! hehehe.. Sekarang gw udah graduated dari college, and gw jg admitted ke univ. yg gw pengen.. Woohoo! He's amazing ya! :p Bday gift yg awal'nya *mnurut gw* horrible, tp ternyata justru yg the best ever! He gave me a lesson that I would never get from any where else.. He taught me patience, obedience, perseverance, and surrender.. Hikz.. What a thoughtful Dad He is.. >___<
Maka itu, jangan buru2 nyerah ye, kalo Tuhan lg bakar kita2.. hehehe.. Kita bakalan jadi emas yg murni! Bukan emas yg cm 14K doank.. :p All glory for the Lord! Amen!
Maka itu, jangan buru2 nyerah ye, kalo Tuhan lg bakar kita2.. hehehe.. Kita bakalan jadi emas yg murni! Bukan emas yg cm 14K doank.. :p All glory for the Lord! Amen!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
My New World :p
Yes.. Finally, I decided to come back to blog world.. lol.. Usually I kept my writing on friendster's blog, but unfortunately they had changed their setting *or whatever it called.. lol..* In consequence, all of my writings, poem, etc on that blog are gone! *sigh* Yeaa, it was my bad that kept the blogs without any duplicate.. lol.. So for now, I want to make a new one.. A new beginning.. A new journey in life.. :p
Well, maybe it means that I have to move on.. lol.. Forgetting my past, and start my new life all over again.. :p What your new life?? Yup, it's not a typo.. *wink* Recently, God works fantastically in my life; however, I believe that His work is unfinished. I'm still in His progress, and someday this caterpillar (me :p) would be changed to be a butterfly!
Sometimes I'm wondering why the Lord has to be hard on me.. Why I have to face this kind of things.. Rejection.. Pain.. and many unwanted thingy.. lol.. Yet, this pictures (below) remind me that He's working on me.. He wants me to get the best things I need, not things I want.. Well, it's hard for me and painful; but I believe that everything would be beautiful in HIS time (NOT mine :p).
So, I just want to remind you my brothers and sisters that He loves you sooo muchh!! Because of that, never give up on your faith.. Never ever trade it with anything that is not eternal.. Just believe that He has plans on you! Amen! All glory to the Lord! :)
Well, maybe it means that I have to move on.. lol.. Forgetting my past, and start my new life all over again.. :p What your new life?? Yup, it's not a typo.. *wink* Recently, God works fantastically in my life; however, I believe that His work is unfinished. I'm still in His progress, and someday this caterpillar (me :p) would be changed to be a butterfly!
Sometimes I'm wondering why the Lord has to be hard on me.. Why I have to face this kind of things.. Rejection.. Pain.. and many unwanted thingy.. lol.. Yet, this pictures (below) remind me that He's working on me.. He wants me to get the best things I need, not things I want.. Well, it's hard for me and painful; but I believe that everything would be beautiful in HIS time (NOT mine :p).
So, I just want to remind you my brothers and sisters that He loves you sooo muchh!! Because of that, never give up on your faith.. Never ever trade it with anything that is not eternal.. Just believe that He has plans on you! Amen! All glory to the Lord! :)
P.S. I forgot where and how I got this pict, but I love it :p
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