Thursday, December 1, 2011

Oh dear wind, please don't get mad.. Be nice to those people who live on the street!

Kemarin, ada angin kenceng banget di Los Angeles area.. 97 mph rek! >___<  Gw belum perna denger angin kenceng sampe segitu'nya.. Uda gitu ditambah dingin pula karena mao winter.. Mantappzz deh.. Kalo uda begitu, I could not imagine how's people who live on the street.. In 'regular' winter day, mereka uda freeze to death, apalagi ditambah angin kenceng gini.. Aduhh.. Please pray for them! When we are freezing, we can grab another blanket or wear warmer clothes.. But, how about them?? Apalagi yang mao dipake? Mereka juga belum tentu uda makan.. Mereka bisa sakit.. Trus obat dari mana? Aaarrgghhh.. >__<

Semalem, itu yang ada di pikiran gw.. Dengerin angin yang 'nabrak' sana-sini.. Sendal2 tetangga gw berhamburan semua.. haha.. Tetangga laen lagi, jendela'nya copot.. Oalahh.. -____-  Gw cuman bisa sit down and pray, bener2 ga bisa bayangin gimana mereka2 yang di luar.. :(

A friend of mine said that those people who live on the street would hide in subway or parking lot building or anything else.. Tapi yang udah tua n susah jalan gimana dunksss?? huaaaa.. Juga dibilang kalo tonight bakalan ada storm lagi, n this time will be worse than the first.. Oh Lord, please comfort them.. :'(  To all of you who read this, please pray for those poor people.. I know that we can't save all people because we are not God.. But, at least we can bend our knees and pray.. :)

I may don't know you personally, but Jesus knows you by your name.. I thank you for all of your kindness and He will bless you abundantly.. Amen!

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